

Winner of the Forbes Diamonds 2024 ranking

Winner of the Forbes Diamonds 2023 ranking
Ignacy Łukasiewicz Economic Award
SILVER MEDAL for the series of 3kV composite traction insulators during the Energetab 2018 trade fair
Innovator COP 2017 for the technological project – Ultra-High Voltage Hollows Production Department

Award for ZPE ZAPEL in the competition of Regionalne Orły Eksportu 2016 of Podkarpackie Province. Gala was held on April 12, 2016

Trophy of Minister for the Economy for composite hollow type 442/200/1700. The award was granted in September 2015.

ZAPEL was among the biggest exporters of the Podkarpackie Province in 2013. The award was granted by the Rzeczpospolita under the honorary patronage of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the participation of the Ministry of Economy in May 2015.

ZPE ZAPEL S.A. was awarded in national Competition for the Improvement of Work Conditions in category: technical and technological solutions. The prize was awarded in 2014.

Gold medal of MTP Poznań International Fair Expopower 2011 for hybrid post insulators.
"Lion of Kazimierz Szpotański for high electrotechnical quality product of Polish manufacturer" - granted for station post insulators with ceramic or epoxy core - recently lanunched by ZAPEL S.A.
Gazela Biznesu 2008 - Award for continuous development in 3 subsequent years as well for the business credibility
Gazela Biznesu 2007 - Award for continuous development in 3 subsequent years as well for the business credibility
Special award "Outstanding Polish Exporter" for year 2007 for the contribution to the development of the Polish export.
Gazela Biznesu 2006 - Award for continuous development in 3 subsequent years as well for the business credibility.
EXPORTER OF YEAR 2004 IN ELECTROTECHNICAL INDUSTRY granted for keeping the high level of export results, progress and promotion of Polish goods, services and technologies all over the world.
EUROLIDER for President of Board of Directors Mr. Marek Augustyn granted for individual achievement in management.
Laurel of Exporter for year 2000 in competition Polish Outstanding Exporter.
Laurel of Exporter for year 1999 in competition Polish Outstanding Exporter.
First Diamond to Gold Statue of Business Center Club.
Tittle "Mister of Export 99".
Distinction in the competition Polish Outstanding Exporter - II Edition in 1998/1999.
Laureate of Malopolska Quality Award - I Edition in 1998.
Laureate in VII Edition of the Polish Business Leader - Gold Statue 1997.
Distinction in III Edition of Polish Quality Award in 1997.
Laureate of the competition for the title "Employer - Safe Work Organiser" in 1995 and 1996.
Distinction of Polish Promotion Emblem in the VI Competition edition "Now Poland" - in 1996 for insulators for highest voltages power lines.
Distinction and Main Award, Cup of the Industry and Trade Minister on VIII Commodities Exchange "Modern Technique in the Power Engineering, Bielsko Biala 1995".


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